Saturday, 10 August 2013

Left on my own again - 2013 - Day 6 - Ouch

Day 6

The skip arrived this morning at a reasonable time. I was told between 8-12 and it came at 8:50 so bonus points for them, (take note Curry's!) I've got it for a week, which means I could take my time and clear the garden slow time.

Of course, that's not what happened, and stupid me had filled it by midday, and I'm now a bleeding wreck lying on the sofa nursing a beer in my blistered hands while I attempt to get enough energy to summon the take away fairy. I hope they can understand agonised sobbing.

If anyone in the locale wants to come round a spoon-feed me Singapore Chow Mien it would be appreciated. I promise I'll get dressed mostly.

So it's only a short update today as I haven't broken anything (expect my spirit and quite possibly my grip function), and to be honest it's actually difficult typing with my nose.


PS! Keep an eye out in the sky after dark for the Perseid Meteor shower! Earth's going through the dust cloud left by a comet. Untidy bastard.

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