Friday, 16 August 2013

Left on my own again 2013 - Day 12 - Preperations

Day 12.

That was a long week.

Even though I only did three days. It's the thought that counts and I think everyone else was ok with it. Right guys? GUYS?

So, we're on the final stretch now. Jay and the kids are home on midday Monday and I can't wait to see them. It's a fine time having a little me time, but me time isn't fun time with just one. It needs more. It needs family.


Anyone else hear that? Anyhoo, I've started the preparations for their homecoming. The house is in some semblance of order, there's hardly any washing for Jay to do when she gets back (well she has had a holiday!), and I've found out that you can wash* shoes in the dishwasher, so that will clear the smell somewhat. I've even hoovered! I've got a bone to pick with you James Dyson - "Never loses suction" HAH! Bet you never tested them with a cat up it. That reminds me, I need to do something tomorrow.

I've even managed to get the shopping done so there is food in! and sweets. Lots of sweets. (They're a food group! I'm sure Brian Cox told me once).

The skip should be picked up tomorrow so that's some of the evidence gone right there. I doubt she'll miss the curtains anyway.

Ooh! Hair cut day tomorrow too; try and see if we can't smooth out some of the burnt patches. I'm going to try the barter system again at the barbers I think. Surely they'll accept eggs, or some nice sausages for a trim. That's a bargain that is.

Night all. X

*possibly too descriptive.

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